Sunday, February 14, 2010

Awkward Homework Assignment

So you know when teachers think they are super hilarious so they give you ridiculous homework assignments? Well, one of my teachers (who shall remain anonymous) gave us one of these assignments this past week. He told us that we needed to buy something for a stranger (such as a "coke") and give it to them, then we needed to blog about it. Thus, this is my experience with this homework assignment.

I went to Smith's in Provo with this assignment on my mind. I decided gum would be a good decision because mostly everyone loves gum and it is inexpensive. I was going to give it to this little boy but I thought that his mother wouldn't appreciate a stranger giving candy to her child. So then I saw this girl when I was walking out. She was alone and she looked kind of sad. I walked over and gave her the gum explaining the situation to her. She looked a little creeped out but she smiled at me and said "thanks." So this is my awkward homework assignment story.

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