Sunday, February 21, 2010

Awkward "Guess Who!" Game

So you know that "guess who!" game that people play when they go behind you and then cover your eyes and say "guess who!" Well, my friend fell victim to that situation this evening and it was even more awkward because it was a guy she wasn't very good friends with and one that could be described as a "creep." He came up behind her and put his hands on her eyes. She thought it was one of her close friends, a very natural instinct. However, when she reached her hands up to feel the person's face it was unfamiliar territory. It felt stubbly and she became extremely uncomfortable. A nauseous feeling overcame her as she came to realize the person who was touching her face. I hope all can learn from this story. If you are not sure whether it is appropriate to play this game, then don't. It is uncomfortable when you don't really know the person. I think a good rule of thumb is to at least know the person's middle name before you go about touching their face.

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