Sunday, January 17, 2010

Awkward Waves

So you know when you are walking on campus and you see someone you know but they are kind of far away. You don't know whether or not to wave or to yell "hello" because you don't know if they will see or hear you. Plus, there are probably other people around and if the other person doesn't respond then it just looks like you aren't talking to anyone and it is just really awkward.

Well, I had this dilemma the other day. I saw a friend of mine far away but they didn't see me and they were on the phone. We were only like 50ish feet apart so I decided to go for the wave. I decided that a larger wave would probably be more successful because it would be easier to see. However, it was quite clear after a few wave motions that they couldn't see me so I decided that the next course of action was to make it less awkward. To do that I decided to turn my waving into a dance move for the obvious reason of making myself look really cool. I am not sure how many people saw the whole situation, but if they did then they were most certainly entertained.

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