Saturday, January 9, 2010

Awkward Silences

Most people complain about awkward silences. However, I think that if you are truly good friends with someone then silences with them are never awkward. You should never feel as though you have to fill up the space when you are with friends. It is also okay to have silences when you are all doing something. I had a friend who kept bringing up the fact that we weren't talk a lot to one another while we were cooking together. I just felt that we were all preoccupied cooking and that her bringing that up made the situation awkward.

Also, I think that it is more awkward to break a silence than the silence itself. Most people when they break a silence say "So..." which I think makes the moment so awkward because you are acknowledging the silence and the fact that there is nothing really to say. People should only break silences when they actually have something legitimate to say. Otherwise, you are making a casual silence awkward.

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