Sunday, January 31, 2010

Awkward Blind Dates

So blind dates are really the definition of awkward. Two people who really don't know anything about each other set up by a mutual friend. At the beginning you are thinking that this other person must be really desperate if their friend is trying to set me up with them. But throughout the years, I have found that blind dates are good if you learn to have fun with them. There are some very "interesting" people in the world and you will probably be set up on a blind date with one of them. Just try to have fun and understand that it is only one night of your life. You are not going to die because a date was super awkward. Just think of it as a really good story to tell.

One of my friends went on a blind date last weekend. Throughout the entire date she called him Jonathon only to find out at the end of the date (by the mutual friend) that his name was really Jordan. For some reason no one wanted to correct her so she was just calling him the wrong name the whole date. This only intensifies the awkwardness of an awkward blind date. Don't feel bad about correcting someone about your name. Just think of how much awkward it would be if on your wedding day you had to tell them that they had been calling you the wrong name for months or years (or weeks if we are talking about BYU).

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Awkward Dancing

Now, I have met multiple people who won't go out dancing because they say they "can't dance." However, I find this very hard to believe. If you can walk, move your arms or head then you can dance. People simply just feel awkward dancing in front of others. I believe this awkwardness can be overcome. I think this can be ultimately overcome if you can see dancing as being fun. Although you might think that everyone is staring at you, they're not. They are really focusing on how they look to other people. Also, if you look confident and look like you are having fun, people won't care how you are dancing. They will wish that they can dance like you. Just don't be too crazy and flail your arms everywhere because that could result in an awkward injury which is a whole other discussion.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Awkward Waves

So you know when you are walking on campus and you see someone you know but they are kind of far away. You don't know whether or not to wave or to yell "hello" because you don't know if they will see or hear you. Plus, there are probably other people around and if the other person doesn't respond then it just looks like you aren't talking to anyone and it is just really awkward.

Well, I had this dilemma the other day. I saw a friend of mine far away but they didn't see me and they were on the phone. We were only like 50ish feet apart so I decided to go for the wave. I decided that a larger wave would probably be more successful because it would be easier to see. However, it was quite clear after a few wave motions that they couldn't see me so I decided that the next course of action was to make it less awkward. To do that I decided to turn my waving into a dance move for the obvious reason of making myself look really cool. I am not sure how many people saw the whole situation, but if they did then they were most certainly entertained.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Awkward Silences

Most people complain about awkward silences. However, I think that if you are truly good friends with someone then silences with them are never awkward. You should never feel as though you have to fill up the space when you are with friends. It is also okay to have silences when you are all doing something. I had a friend who kept bringing up the fact that we weren't talk a lot to one another while we were cooking together. I just felt that we were all preoccupied cooking and that her bringing that up made the situation awkward.

Also, I think that it is more awkward to break a silence than the silence itself. Most people when they break a silence say "So..." which I think makes the moment so awkward because you are acknowledging the silence and the fact that there is nothing really to say. People should only break silences when they actually have something legitimate to say. Otherwise, you are making a casual silence awkward.