Sunday, April 18, 2010

Awkward Goodbyes

As I contemplate my departure to go back home I can't help but think about all the goodbyes I am going to say. Some people I know I won't see again and there are some that say that we'll still stay in contact but who knows if that'll happen. And while all of this can be somber and saddening, I find myself thinking about how goodbyes are awkward. First, you have to decide who to go say goodbye too. You don't want to show up somewhere and be like "I'm leaving" and they're like "So...". Then there are the questions of how long should a goodbye be? What should you say? What if you see them again like ten minutes later? Should you hug (and if so for how long)? What if you cry? What if they cry? This can all be very awkward but my advice is simple. Say goodbye to whoever you want to and if it is awkward, embrace it. You don't want to regret not saying bye to anyone and goodbyes will be awkward no matter what because people approach the situation in different ways and have different reactions.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Awkward Airplane Rides

As I am about to go back home and travel by myself I begin to ponder the awkwardness of the airplane ride. I mean think about it, it is truly the epitome of awkwardness. You are basically stuck sitting really closely next to a stranger for a least a couple hours. There are so many interesting people you could sit next to. Some people I like to call "the talkers". They will tell you their life story if the plane ride is long enough. I sat next to one lady who started crying and told me how she was moving away from her boyfriend. One women told me ALL about her children and grandchildren. Another type of person is "the watcher". My roommate sat next to one of them once and they read over her shoulder everything she was reading. They look at your computer or your iPod. It makes you feel so self-conscious but you don't want to say anything because you'll be sitting next to the person for a few more hours and you don't want to make them angry. I feel as though it is okay to talk to the people next to you, I actually encourage exchanging names and basic information. It's weird sitting next to someone for hours and not even know their name. It's also okay to talk to them if they seem as though they wouldn't mind talking. However, if they whip out a book or headphones just let them be. Some people like the "alone time" they get while flying and don't want to be disturb. Recognize this and respect it. Peace out.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Awkward Status Updates

So we all have Facebooks and we all have those friends on Facebook who update their statuses at least three times a day and all of those updates somehow end up in our newsfeed. We basically know everything that is going on in their life. We know when they get up, shower, eat, do their homework, break up with their boyfriend, ect. This is just one awkward aspect of status updates. My advice here is to try and keep your personal life personal. No one really cares that you just ate a banana. Try to make sure your status has some substance to it. Another awkward aspect of statuses is when they have too much substance. They are super emotional. Usually the individual will quote a song or a poem that really emphasizes the sadness in their lives. For me, it seems as though these individuals are just looking for people to come to their pity party. If your upset, displaying your sadness on Facebook is not going to make life magically better. It just shows everyone else that you are sad and are looking for people to feel sorry for you. Try and make sure that while your status should have some legitimate substance it isn't expressing to everyone on the Internet your inner most feelings.